Angels come to help you tend…for free with a short meditation

Dear Nuture needing friends


Tend…take some time upon seeing this sign today to make and take time to tend to you.

Lots to do and you are on a roll….or need to pick myself up and can’t seem to..

Either way matters not. To tend is greatly needed and allowed.

It be can whatever suits your soul. It may be a walk, or to sit in nature, maybe to cook, to read a book, or watch a film.

You get the gist.

I will meditate with my team in spirit. I am told Angels in collective will too join, and welcome all and any who wish to join.

It will matter not when you find this free gift. They will come to all and any in any time or space.

If you are reading this post the audio for the free meditation is accessed via my website. So please read the article there.

The new audio link below.

It is short…just 7 mins.

When you have made Your time to tend and wish to use the piece my guides and I came up with….then please do.

You will feel us and the unique connection we bring for Angels to reach you.

Sit or lay…eyes closed….with headphones preferably…breathe in and out…and allow our peace to tend you. For its free.

I teach many my unique style of meditation and bringing your connection to spirit closer to you. The comments received after are always amazement. Here you will experience a tiny piece of how amazing it truly can be when the channel is opened.

Let us know how it goes for you.

With love

Zowie xxx


Simply Be

ZowieCarr WalkswithSpirit

Why do people choose me…

Dear Friends

Its been a long day bringing spirit in all forms through to clients who have booked with me today.

A spiritual healing energy session in France and then off to Dallas Texas to two regular clients.

One for her Dad in spirit to come through to her for the first time since he died. He had used my energies previously when he was locked in, suffering from Alzheimer’s….so today was almost a relief and pleasure to bring him through in spirit fully transitioned. And well….he bossed me around, joined me on my relaxing dog walk 2 hours before I was connecting with Jennifer…brought along a dog in spirit, which once I described to Jennifer it turned out to be her lovely old man of 15years who died shortly after her Dad….and then preceded to get as much through me to her as I’ve ever had any spirit do. It was delightful, honouring….

Then I worked for Brenda also in Dallas….she requested a …tell me what spirits for me…approach. Well, thankyou Brenda!! Off we went….home, work, love, family, death of parent….new yoga class, meeting of new man, writing block, new friends…on and on.

So, I will be honest, I am physically fatigued, but that will pass. My soul rejoices in bringing the connection forward.

Why to clients choose me….well that’s for them to tell and I detail words above of one.

it’s all just energy

The majority of my clients return time and again for sessions.

It may be regularly or months or years apart. There is never any pressure. It simply depends on their path and their ways in which they wish to work with me.

Some….consistent spiritual counselling…either personal and or business related.

Some….working through their past life in this incarnation…understanding how yesterday has created their today…And which tomorrow they wish and can create.

Some….Spiritual energy healing. I am a shaman. I can heal the spiritual energies and cleanse and repair the aura, remove cords of attachment to events and others…And realign the chakras.

Some….guided meditation. Teaching my way of greater connection with the higher self and your team in spirit.

Some….Akashic record reading…another post for another day if you aren’t aware of the Akashic.

Some….development. working with me brings spirit awareness closer anyway…just happens. Further teaching to strengthen your abilities which come more natural than others…we identify and explain how to hone.

Some…wishing to communicate with a deceased loved one.

And well that’s just to name a few.

Here in this post….she has read with me many times before. In fact so has her sister and her mother. People return for a reason.

🙏 I am grateful.

Thankyou kindly for reading…and feel free to ask a question. I will answer.

With love, now and always
Zowie xxx


Believe in the Unbelievable

ZowieCarr WalkswithSpirit

Her words..after her Spiritual Energy & Chakra Balance Healing session


Humans are dismayed when their body feels low in energy…they will consider food, movement…medication…to help. They will search a reason.

The spiritual energies of your person are of equal importance. The ying to the yang.

When experiencing true healing of your spiritual energies using one who is able….you will feel remarkably different.

Take a read of her words.

With love

Zowie xxx
