How do you choose to educate your human…

My darling Friends,

I wish you very well in this moment, in all your moments.

Which chapter in your own unique book of education have you reached?

Maybe you are aware your human walks a path of lessons your spirit chose for this souls walk….maybe there is a light bulb flickering where you begin to realise the truth in my words and find yourself drawn to those like me…or others who help you awaken…maybe you’ve been hit by a bolt of lightening – finally getting what’s going on…

Life is a series of teachings which you have choice in accepting or rejecting, and choosing how to educate yourself into who you become.

For now, with love xxx
Zowie 🙏

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Stick or twist..

My sweetest friends,

Feeling like life is passing you by… Just may be it is.

Dial in. Stop the clock, the treadmill… Assess and evaluate and see how your truest self feels about your humans life…wondering if this is all you’re here for…or if this is it for you… We would say it’s time to live in your life. Stop being a spectator, we can promise you didn’t come here to view your human existence in this manner. Like a ball of steel in the pinball machine with the free will of others and universal circumstance pulling your levers.

You have free will. If the course you travel feels like you a being pulled along, you are. You do not have to be.

It will undoubtedly take great effort to seize choice, but it is there and it is yours.

And in this moment your ego will be screaming at the screen as to all the reasons you can’t, how life just keeps happening to you. How it isn’t your fault. You Zowie, messenger of spirit should be able to tell me it will all be ok…what I should do…how there is more for me, a light at the end of the tunnel, which as if by magic will just appear because I want it. Because I deserve it.

Me Zowie, messenger of spirit, is telling you exactly what you need to hear. Right now in this moment. So re read. Come back to these words later after you scoff, and return to your current life.

Then mull on this. If you are content and all is as it should be for your joyous moments of now….then stick. Don’t complain. You have chosen to stick. In love I speak as you well know.

If you are not content, then it’s time to twist. It may be one very small twist, one very small choice towards change, which grows and multiplies as you slowly and softly alter your thought pattern and thus your path, your life.

You came to this human life to learn and to realise lessons chosen by your spirit….and it didn’t include a magic wand which touches your forehead and magics the life you want when things are tough. Child your in the tough for a reason…so what will you choose. Stick or twist.

For now, with love
Zowie xxx

Wednesday 21st March 2019

The four seasons are placed under the influence of four archangels: Raphael presides over spring, Uriel over summer, Michael over autumn and Gabriel over winter.

When the spring equinox is near, all the spirits and forces of nature work under the leadership of Raphael to bring life back to every part of the universe. This renewal in nature is synonymous for humans with regeneration and therefore also with healing.

On the Tree of Life, Raphael is the archangel of the sephirah Hod, the region where cabbalists placed the planet Mercury.

Furthermore, the attribute of the god Mercury (Hermes in Greek mythology) is the caduceus, the symbol still used for medicine today. And the name Raphael means ‘God has healed’.

For Christians, Easter is the great spring festival: the whole of nature celebrates Christ’s resurrection, which is also the resurrection of all creatures.

No matter your place in this world Archangel Raphael has a place to fit. A seat you can make sense of him and accept all he has for you
This last week those the very closest to me have been in need of healing. Of the heart and mind, then in turn of the physical. I harnessed all that this wonderful energy allowed me, and healing indeed has presided. I am blessed that I am trusted and one woke this morning with a tale of pain free sleep.
This soothed my heart and cleared my mind. Then I was able to see the bigger picture, and I was reminded of the time of the year.
Harness the power of regeneration and healing that Archangel Raphael offers to all souls.

And so…this is why, as spring arrives with us today, each person has some serious work to do: it is time to let go of everything inside that is old and obsolete.
So, speak to the Archangel Raphael, and ask him to make you receptive to the hidden virtues in trees, flowers and herbs, so that you can commune with this great current of energy coming from the heart of the universe and bringing new life. Breathing new energy into your path.

Enthuse, allow the hand being offered, grasp it and walk through the blooms of life today. Enjoy your moments where new life shows itself.
In love xxx