The curiosity of tonight’s full moon and how to walk with the Buck, will surely save your cat.

Deer Friends

This day the energy shifts. Bucks full moon in capricorn enters the Universal matrix.

Curious today we spoke of earlier….here is a start.

The curiosity of tonight’s full moon and how to walk with the buck, will surely save your cat.

What does a Full Buck Moon signify? Tonight is his night…so read his impact.

After the Strawberry Moon and the Summer Solstice, the first summer full moon called the Full Buck Moon is coming soon, tonight. Many people and astronomy lovers find it mesmerizing to watch the night sky in the presence of the moon, especially a full moon. However, they have been caught wondering, ‘what is the Full Buck Moon spiritual meaning’. If you have caught yourself thinking about it quite often, do not worry, here is all you need to know.

What is the Full Buck Moon spiritual meaning’

The Full Buck Moon July 2020 is the first full moon of the summer and it signifies the celebration of Asalha Puja or Dharma Day on Sunday by the Buddhists all around the world. The name of the full moon originates from deer antlers, which sprout on a buck’s forehead around this time of the year.

Apart from this, a Full Buck Moon July 2020 is sometimes also referred to as a Hay Moon, a Wort Moon, Rose Moon, Mead Moon, Guru Moon, Dharma Day or a Thunder Moon.

Guru Moon holds a very strong meaning in the lives of the Hindus and it is understood as the time to clear off the mind and learn from the Guru (Teacher/ Mentor). The Full Buck Moon holds a significant meaning in the lives of Buddhist followers. They celebrate the Dharma Day on Sunday wholeheartedly as it marks the beginning of the Buddha’s teachings.

Buddha’s first sermon is believed to have taken place at Sarnath’s Deer Park in India. This Buck Moon July 2020 is meant to turn a shade darker for those in North and South America, as well as Africa. There will also be a partial penumbral lunar eclipse.

When is the Full Buck Moon’

The next lunar eclipse is set to take place on Saturday, July 4 or Sunday, July 5, 2020, depending on which time zone you are in. The eclipse will begin Saturday in North America at 11:07 p.m. EDT and last until 1:52 a.m. EDT on July 5. The best time to look will be about 12:30 a.m. EDT during the middle of the event, according to AccuWeather. 

However, it is said that Londoners will be able to catch the best glimpse of the lunar eclipse around 4.41 a.m. BST, and the penumbral lunar eclipsing will start around 4.07 a.m. BST. The Full Buck Moon lunar eclipse will end around 4.45 a.m. BST on Sunday. 

How can I watch the lunar eclipse’

Unfortunately, the Full Buck Moon July 2020 will not be visible everywhere. Those in the north and central Africa will get the best glimpse of the natural phenomenon, while parts of South America and North America will also witness the impressive sight. India and those in Australia, Asia and mainland Europe would not be able to see the beauty of the summer penumbral lunar eclipse.

What can this energy shift of Buck Moon bring my attention to?

The Full Moon takes place in self-disciplined Capricorn, a sign demanding maturity and concentration.

These traits mean this Full Moon influence does not work well with the hazy days of summer.

A penumbral lunar eclipse coincides with this conflicting Full Moon leading to astrologers agreeing the other spiritual nickname for July’s full moon, the Thunder Moon is actually a more fitting name.

As a strong-willed Earth Sign ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is considered the social climber of the Zodiac.

And although this characterisation may not apply to every single Capricorn, it reveals a pillar of the star sign’s singular worldview.

This places progress, specifically the kind ensuring long-term stability, as a priority.

Expect this Sunday to receive this message loud and clear — and, in turn, feel compelled to hunker down at work.

You will have to take care ambitions do not outpace your energy reserves during the weekend.

Regaining some momentum to work well and effectively is one thing, but burning the midnight oil for no reason is another.

That picture of long-term stability should feature pecuniary and personal health.

As a result, feel free to tackle your to-do list during the Full Moon, but make sure that there are a few self-maintenance items on it.

Sunday’s Full Moon could also highlight any outstanding tasks or goals in your personal life.

However, avoid falling into the temptation to scramble to reach any unnecessary milestones.

Capricorn’s hard-working spirit can lead some to act with a false sense of urgency.

This can fluster and overwhelm those around you — and get you no closer to the dream you are chasing.

Even if all is well at work and at home, remember there is a chance the Full Moon’s ‘thunder’ will come from within

Capricorn Full Moons are widely believed to reward acts of self-control.

But the July 2020 lunar phase and coinciding eclipse could possibly rekindle memories of certain shortcomings and past mistakes, which can easily lead us down a path toward self-pity.

So resist the urge to beat yourself up over old errors, even if you realise you have barely been working toward your goals, you’ve been doing your best.

This is the sort of effort that the July Buck Full Moon truly values.

It is mainly a matter of tuning out the critical edge that comes with Capricorn energy and instead deciding to focus on this sign’s sense of independence.

Photo by ArtHouse Studio on

Lunar eclipses often occur when people need to be persuaded to let go of something holding you back.

Should you suspect you retain an old habit or worldview that has been quietly detrimental to your progress, consider how you might begin to shed it in the next few weeks.

Try to avoid wasting time beating yourself up for having taken that approach in the first place.

This could even be an opportunity to reconsider what you think progress, in general, ought to look like for you.

When are the 2020 Full Moons?

These are all of the Full Moons and their names for the year

January 10: Wolf Moon

February 9: Snow Moon

March 9: Worm Moon

April 8: Pink Moon

May 7: Flower Moon

June 5: Strawberry Moon

July 5: Buck Moon

August 3: Sturgeon Moon

September 2: Harvest Moon

October 1: Hunter’s Moon

October 30: Hunter’s Moon

November 30: Beaver Moon

December 30: Cold Moon

This full moon…what is true progress for you. Be grateful for all your very best effort has achieved, and build upon that effort and gratitude.

🙏 Buck Moon.

With Love

Zowie xxx


Attitude of Gratitude, not words of platitude

Greetings Dear Friends

Walk into your day very well.

‘Attitude of Gratitude’.

Drop the mike 🎤.

Anyhoo…yeah yeah Zowie…all bloomin week you’re telling us, be thankful. We get it.


Uh huh.


No …you do absolutely not get it.

Saying thankyou, yet not being thankful.

Acting Kind, yet not being kind.

Pretending loving nature, yet scorn sits behind the surface.

Confused….yeah the universe too.

Time to work on you, all of you. Check yourself out and check in.

You muddy your very own waters even more so with mixed messages.

Greater benefit would be felt matching your energy and thoughts to your actions and words.

What do I mean…

Well, if you do not like someone, don’t act like you do.

If you don’t feel kind, don’t act it.

Your ego will struggle with this. Of course it will, taken quite the time to develop such a great skill.

What an amazing mask created you have….but a mask it is. And fake it is. Confusing it is. Suffering of you ultimately it is.

Souls and spirit do not have a word for pretend.

Why would we… You are what you Be.

The muddiness of confused fake human presenting dual messages to the universe will result in your human receiving odd, fake, intangible messages from the universe. 🎤

Now we ask you take moments of being. You have dropped the Mike on your human, called it out.

Change can happen right now. You wish and plead the Universe gives you delight, gives you help in areas of want….then we suggest you start clearing your waters.

We receivith what we giveith.

Walk into your day with an ‘attitude of gratitude’…the choice of attitude and your humans approach is entirely yours.

Child take down the mask, for its quite ugly.

With love

Zowie xxx


Happiness isn’t a trophy handed at the finsish line..

Charming Friends

Look around you right now. In this moment. See all through eyes of love and light, abundance and gratitude.

Find your focus on the things you cannot believe how lucky you are to see, to have, to hold.

For you will have been lucky. That we promise you.

Do not seek happiness upon and an imaginary, when I…once I…when they…once they….

Know happiness right now. Seek it. Label it.

Thank the Universe for it. Congrats, you crossed the finish line.

With love, now and always

Zowie xxx
